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Intelligent Product Solutions recently welcomed Dr. Brad Carlson as our new VP of Technology and Business Development. Brad brings more than 20 years of experience in medical devices and industrial product development and strategy to IPS, and he will play a pivotal role as an innovator and strategic leader to advance our objectives in medtech and other sectors.

Here is a recent Q&A with Dr. Carlson:

Q. Could you share what attracted you to join the IPS team?

It is all about the great IPS team that is humble, hungry and smart.  They have accomplished so much in developing and designing innovative products yet are still humble. They are hungry to do good work to help their clients and are an incredibly smart bunch, with a diverse range of engineering and product design skills.  In addition, they know how to build and take good care of their team. I have been so impressed by the team, with its tremendous technical talent.

Q. How do you see your role impacting how we serve our clients?  

My role is to spread awareness about IPS, among clients and prospects.  IPS is an incredible resource for companies of all sizes for product design and up until now, has flown under the radar a bit.

Q. With your extensive experience, what do you see as the most important elements in successful product design? 

Great product design requires these steps: understanding the problem; identifying the risks; strong planning; and thoughtful execution. From my many years of working in research and medtech product design at a range of companies, I have seen that this methodical approach ensures great outcomes.

Q. A product development partner can be invaluable for startups and companies of all sizes. From your perspective, what are the biggest advantages to working with a product development partner like IPS?

IPS brings a broad range of skills and technical expertise to a client to help them tackle and solve problems.  For example, we can bring in our expert on antenna design to a project, and most companies would not have that sort of expertise in-house. The deep bench of talent at IPS can be deployed quickly for a client, helping them to ramp up their product design efforts, with our experts and engineers. And, we can help our clients identify problems they didn’t even know they had because of our deep expertise in product design. By identifying problems early, that can have a big impact on the speed and success of a project.

Q. How do you see AI impacting product design and development?

I don’t see AI having a big impact on product design in the near future, as engineers are still going to be needed to do the work. However, as with other innovations like IOT, it will impact architecture and design requirements for products. 

Q. Anything else you’d like to add?

It is an honor to work with the IPS team, many of whom I have known and collaborated with for over 20 years. I look forward to bringing new insights to this excellent team as we work to provide top service to our clients.

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